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Doctoral Thesis:

Aproximación Holística a la Integración de Modelos SPI en entorno Microempresa

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Computer Standards & Interfaces
Computer Standards & Interfaces

Sánchez-Gordón, M.L., Amescua, A., O’Connor, R. V. & Larrucea Xabier. A standard-based framework to integrate software work in small settings. Computer Standards & Interfaces, (2017) 54(3), 162–175. (Impact factor 2016: 1.268; COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 35/106, Q2)

Tesis Doctoral
Tesis Doctoral

Aproximación holística a la integración de modelos SPI en entorno microempresa Mary-Luz Sánchez-Gordón


Sánchez-Gordón, M.L. Getting the Best out of People in Small Software Companies: ISO/IEC 29110 and ISO 10018 Standards. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach,(2017) 10(1), 45–60.

EuroSPI 2017
EuroSPI 2017

Sánchez-Gordón, M.-L., Colomo-Palacios, R., Sánchez, A., de Amescua Seco, A., & Larrucea, X. Towards the integration of security practices in the software implementation process of ISO/IEC 29110: A mapping. In Proceedings 24rd European Conference (EuroSPI 2017).

Managing Software Process Evolution
Managing Software Process Evolution

Sánchez-Gordón, M.-L., Colomo-Palacios, R., Seco, A. de A., & O’Connor, R. V. (2016).  The Route to Software Process Improvement in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises.  In M. Kuhrmann, J. Münch, I. Richardson, A. Rausch, & H. Zhang (Eds.),  Managing Software Process Evolution (pp. 109–136).  Springer International Publishing.  Retrieved from

Software Quality Journal
Software Quality Journal

Sánchez-Gordón, M.-L., & O’Connor, R. V. (2016). Understanding the gap between software process practices and actual practice in very small companies. Software Quality Journal. (Impact factor 2015: 0.787; COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 68/106, Q3)

EuroSPI 2016
EuroSPI 2016

Sánchez-Gordón, M.-L., O’Connor, R. V., Colomo-Palacios, R., & Herranz, E. Bridging the Gap Between SPI and SMEs in Educational Settings: A Learning Tool Supporting ISO/IEC 29110. In Proceedings 23rd European Conference (EuroSPI 2016) (pp. 3–14). Graz, Austria: Springer-Verlag.

EuroSPI 2016
EuroSPI 2016

Sánchez-Gordón, M.-L., Colomo-Palacios, R., & Herranz, E. (2016). Gamification and Human Factors in Quality Management Systems: Mapping from Octalysis Framework to ISO 10018. In Proceddings 23rd European Conference (EuroSPI 2016) (pp. 234–241). Graz, Austria: Springer-Verlag.

SPICE 2016
SPICE 2016

Sánchez-Gordon, M.-L., O’Connor, R. V., Colomo-Palacios, R., & Sánchez-Gordón, S. A Learning Tool for the ISO/IEC 29110 Standard: Understanding the Project Management of Basic Profile. In Proceedings 16th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (SPICE 2016) (Vol. 609, pp. 270–283). Dublin, Ireland: Springer-Verlag.

SPICE 2015
SPICE 2015

Sánchez-Gordón, M.L., O’Connor, R. V., & Colomo-Palacios, R. (2015). Evaluating VSEs Viewpoint and Sentiment Towards the ISO/IEC 29110 Standard: A Two Country Grounded Theory Study. In Proceedings of 15th International Conference, SPICE 2015, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 526, 2015, pp. 114-127, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 16-17.