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Browse our Courses

SWA Team gives different courses from MOOC to Blending to personalized courses. Here you can browse some courses we are giving at UC3M University and edX.

If you are interested in any course or some of their contents for your company or organization, get in contact with us

Courses and Syllabus

Revolution and Evolution

Culture, capabilities, and way of working that digital organizations will have to acquire to succeed in the next future

The Software Architect Code

Are you a founder of a technical startup or even a business executive willing to know what kind of qualified job applicants do you need to recruit? Or are you a software developer who want to unveil your skills in order to build innovative software products with added value?

Be Agile

If you want to learn how to develop software products with Agile approach, you will find in this course the best agile practices for developing and managing an app.

Be Agile

If you want to learn how to develop software products with Agile approach, you will find in this course the best agile practices for developing and managing an app.

Discovery Process:
from Idea to the App Pitch

Do you have an idea and want to develop an app? Stop coding! Start thinking and acting as an advanced digital entrepreneur

Software development projects management

Do you want your software projects to succeed? – Learn to manage them to transmit confidence to your team and your client

Agile Management for Fintech

Do you want to learn how to define and manage the development of a financial software product with an Agile approach?